take the stand
英 [teɪk ðə stænd]
美 [teɪk ðə stænd]
网络 出庭作证
- give testimony in a court of law
- They take the stand of the working class and constitute a force our Party can rely on. Counter-revolutionaries will naturally pay attention to it and revolutionary people even more so.
这样的革命知识分子,是我们党的一支依靠的力量。反革命分子固然注意它,革命人民尤其注意它。 - Then take the mountaineering trolley can stand down to Saul.
然后乘坐登山电车就可以下山到强罗站。 - "Take the guesswork out of where you stand," Mathison suggests& again, so you can devote more attention to what matters, which is where you're going next, either at this company or elsewhere.
Mathison再次如此建议。他说这样做的话你就可以花更多的心思在真正重要的事情上,专注在你接下来的行动上,不管是在现在的公司还是在别的地方。 - One of the most important questions that the defense must consider is whether the accused will take the stand.
辩护方必须考虑的最重要的问题之一就是被告是否将抗辩到底。 - Well, to improve the situation, I think the key point is to take some effective measures to make the hotel really stand out in this highly competitive market.
是的,为了改变这种情况,我认为重要的一点事采取一些有效的措施来让我们的酒店在激烈竞争的市场中真正的脱颖而出。 - To serve them, we must take the class stand of the proletariat and not that of the petty bourgeoisie.
我们要为这四种人服务,就必须站在无产阶级的立场上,而不能站在小资产阶级的立场上。 - Hunter, take the East side, there. joyce, you stand by the west, my man.
亨特,你守东面,乔伊斯,我的好伙计,你守西面。 - This means that if you take the proper steps in a survival situation, you stand a good chance at living to talk about it.
这意味着如果你在求生的环境中采取适当的措施,你就有机会活着来谈论这一切。 - Meanwhile, President Obama's nominee to take Stevens'seat, Elena Kagan, was taking the stand for the first time in her confirmation hearings.
与此同时,奥巴马总统的提名采取Stevens的座位,埃琳娜卡根,正在为她的第一次听证会的立场。 - Will the next witness take the stand?